LeBron James, Derrick Rose, Eric Bledsoe and others in Las Vegas, Wait a Minute?

Eric Bledsoe for Kyrie Irving in the works?

LeBron James will be working out with Derrick Rose, Eric Bledsoe and others in Las Vegas, according to ESPN’s Chris Haynes.
We want to let you know that as early as now all these are just rumors. Eric Bledsoe and LeBron James know each other for awhile and this is not the first time they will be working out together again. Only this time situations have changed and when people see them together it could add more fuel to the flame.
LeBron James and Eric Bledsoe share the same agent in Rich Paul.
What LeBron James think of Eric Bledsoe?
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Do you think Kyrie Irving and Eric Bledsoe trade will happen?


Kids riddles


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