The Boston Celtics will be Super Team Next Season

Celtics could turn from a great team to a super team.
In this day of super teams where good teams are not good enough and when multiple superstars are in one team, there could be no other solution than to create a super team as well.  
Take for example the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers. It’s almost a given that these two will be at the top of the standing again next season if  they are able to maintain their roster which they will and they might even upgrade. 
Boston Celtics was one of the teams last season who was a great team but crumbled to the ground when faced against superteams.
This upcoming season, the Celtics is due for a big upgrade having the number 1 pick, a salary cap to get big time free agents and a number of interested players who wants to play for them.
On the list of potential additions are Gordon Hayward, Blake Griffin, Jimmy Butler and the top rookie pick. 
One or two of these could happen and if it did then this could make Boston a better threat to the Cavaliers in the East.

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