Tim Cone on Scottie Thompson’s performance in game 5. "He was so incredibly unselfish."

Since Scottie Thompson entered the professional league, we rarely see him score or just concentrate in contributing on the points production for Barangay Ginebra but their game 5 performance against SMB which they won with a huge lead was the first time that this rookie point guard scored more than 20 points who usually just dominates the boards and assists.

“We were mostly concern about Scottie, he was so incredibly unselfish that really you have  to force him to shoot.” Tim Cone stressed in the post game interview after their win against SMB. “First play of the game we decided to play for him to come out and take that first shot bahala na  I don’t care, you shoot it if you miss you just shoot it and when I said that the whole room kinda laughed” This move of Cone to start the game simply made a huge difference in their match with SMB.

“The point is we wanted him to come out and be aggressive he went out and took that shot and then he missed it so we were like uh-oh but then he just got on fire and I think he took five of our first six shots that kinda said to myself Yes! the message was sent to Scottie I think we have a shot in this game I feel like that we have a shot.” After hitting 5 of their first field goals in the first quarter, Ginebra made a huge run afterwards though SMB succeeded in trying to catch up, Ginebra still continued and played their best to get the win.

“Sol hits first 3 threes. It became contagious its nice it was such a redemptive win we got redemption on this game.” the most successful coach in the league said.

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