Quick and Awesome Olympics Facts (Info-graphic)

There’s only a few days to go now until the 2016 Olympic Games begin in Rio de Janeiro, with more than 10,000 competitors descending on the Brazilian city for the greatest event in world sport. Every four years, elite sportspeople inscribe their names into legend with their feats at the Olympics, and it’s always fascinating to see which competitors establish themselves as world-famous athletes during the Games.
In the infographic below, the people at Supplement Mart have attempted to predict 10 of those who are primed to become stars of the 2016 Olympics. Some of those selected arrive in Rio aiming to repeat their gold medal-winning feats from London 2012, such as American triple jump champion Christian Taylor and teenage swimmer Katie Ledecky. Others, such as Russian gymnast Yana Kudryavtseva, will be keen to make a lasting impression upon their Olympics debut.
While the likes of Usain Bolt and Missy Franklin are likely to make the most headlines should they win gold in Rio, there will be many others who will also get to mount the highest step on the medal winners’ podium, with more than 300 medal competitions to be completed during the Rio Olympics. The time for prediction and speculation is almost over…let the Games begin!

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