Powcast.net and Pinoyathletics.info agreed to work together to support local Sports Communities and events

I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Pow Salud the founder  of http://www.Powcast.net Sports.

Mr. Salud working expertise in Sales and Marketing and his input and advise will greatly benefit the projects of  Pinoyathletics.info.

Working with Powcast.net  the #1 Sports Blog in the country right now will greatly increase and help both websites with their goals. Together we will help further promote local sports in the Philippines.

“I think that this partnership will benefit both parties and help further promote Athletics in the Philippines. – Andrew Pirie”

” Powcast.net believes that  aside from basketball, boxing and other mainstream sports, local Sports athletes and other sports events such as track and field should also be given enough exposures. We are certainly open to helping Pinoyathletics.info and other sports by providing them a platform and the audience to promote. Our team is excited to work with Andrew’s team. – Pow Salud”


  1. Pinoy Athletics will be guest writing on  Powcast.net Sports Hub Website 
  2. Powcast.net is reeling in at least 100,000 views a month 
  3. Working with Powcast.net will give pinoyathletics.info the opportunity to further expand, promote and increase traffic. 
  4. Powcast.net has multiple contributors and writers from professionals, amateur and hobbyist, all of them are sports fanatics.
  5. Pinoyathletics.info is a website that is dedicated to supporting the growth of local sports specifically in Track and Field and other related sports.
  6. Pinoyathletics will certainly provide more diversity and robust statistics in Track and Field and other related sports to Powcast.net. 
  7. Pinoyathletics and  Powcast.net Sports will be collaborating on events and marketing projects.
  8. Watch out for future events of Powcast.net and Pinoyathletics.info
To seal the agreement, both organization exchanged banners as a symbol of the strategic partnership. 

If you are also looking to collaborate and partner with us, please do not hesitate to send us an email.

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