Tiger Woods, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Jackson, Britney: Celebs who knocked at Rehab

Source: Entertainmentandshowbiz

Lindsay Lohan, the Mean Girl, who shall soon be commencing her behind-the-bars journey, has, reportedly, checked into a rehab as a frantic last-minute attempt to escape the confines of the claustrophobic jail.

Let’s take a look at some other celebs who had to seek resort to rehabilitation centres:

1. Michael Jackson: After falling prey to painkiller drugs and getting ripped off for allegations of child molestation, the King of Pop was compelled to seek refuge in a rehab.

2. Britney Spears: Tabloid’s favourite child, Britney Toxic Spears spearheaded to rehab on more than one occasion after suffering from alcoholic addictions and personal life crisis.

3. Tiger Woods: The defamed golfer had to enter rehabs after his sexual extramarital exploits were exposed to the whole world. Even though, a crestfallen and tarnished Tiger tried to roar back to some glory, he found himself whining alone in his den as wife Elin bid adieu.

Other famous persons to have knocked at rehab’s doors are:

4. Charlie Sheen
5. Robbie Williams
6. Ben Affleck
7. Elton John
8. Kelly and Ozzy Osbourne
9. Mel Gibson and
10. Drew Barrymore


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