Dan Hill wants to record song with Manny

GRAMMY and Juno award-winning singer and songwriter Dan Hill, who was responsible for the hit song “Sometimes When We Touch,” met with Manny Pacquiao on Friday at his hotel in New York.

Pacquiao’s adviser Michael Koncz told Manila Standard that Hill presented Pacquiao with a new album that he just finished and discussed a plan to “re-do the song and have Manny sing with him.”
Koncz said Pacquiao was very excited about recording the hit song.

Pacquiao sang the hit during his last appearance on the popular ABC late night show hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and received an ovation from the studio audience.
Hill was accompanied to the meeting with Pacquiao by two of his friends, who are record producers.
“They are very nice people and spent maybe an hour with Manny,” said Koncz.
Later in the evening, Hill sat at the table of Pacquiao when he received his awards at the gala dinner of the Boxing Writers Association of America, headed by journalist Jack Hirsch. Pacquiao was a hit at the dinner at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York, where he delivered an emotional speech.
In his speech before a large crowd, including some Filipinos, Pacquiao recalled how poverty confronted his family and challenged his youth.
“I was pressured but not crushed,” said Pacquiao, pointing out that in his struggles, he “combated poverty with boxing gloves.”
Known for his religiosity, Pacquiao said he “trusted God and dreamed big,” even as he learned from his mistakes.
He said he was overflowing with joy and gratitude and was thankful that like Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier, who presented the Fighter of the Year award to him, he decided to get into boxing and decided “not to give up, never to give up.” Ronnie Nathanielsz

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